Thursday 10 November 2016

Same Ground

Same Ground

My love,

I have learned that love is beyond
What human can imagine,

My love,

I have learned that love is a word

Just thrown a little bit too much.

If all else fail, would you be there to love me?

When all else fail, would you be brave to see right through me

Whenever this song comes up on my playlist I think about you and I. Our story. How complicated it is. How things should not be how and what they are. But they are what they are because we have made them to be what they are. 

Whenever this song plays its you that comes to my mind. How you taught me how to love. How you taught me not to be afraid of who and what I am. How you taught me that it is completely okay to be me.

That it's okay to not fit in and be different.

That it's okay that I focus on my studies and future rather than go out and socialise like a normal teenager would.

That it's okay to feel.

That it's okay to be upset.

That it's okay to be disappointed.

That it's okay to show weakness.

That it's okay to fail even though you know failure is my biggest fear.

Most of all, you taught me that I'm more than just a five-feet tall of billions and billions of atoms stacked on top of each other. 

You taught me that I am SOMEONE. I am a HUMAN. My LIFE MATTERS. I deserve to get things I deserve. I deserve to be given opportunities. I deserve to be accepted. I deserve to be loved. I deserve to live the life I want. 


Things have not been all that smooth for you and I. But there's one thing I know for sure. 



M. 11.11.16

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